流變儀是一種高精度儀器,透過對樣品施加動力來測量其流動和變形,及其產生的應力或應變,從而測量其黏度和模量。流變儀的黏度測量遠遠超出了傳統黏度計的極限,它表徵了複雜流體(乳劑、懸浮液、油漆、油墨、塗料、漿料)的剪切稀化、觸變性和屈服應力等非牛頓行為。振盪流變學在 DMA 模式(動態機械分析)中測量從低黏度流體到堅硬固體的材料的黏彈性(儲存模量、損耗模量、Tan Delta)。
Discovery Hybrid流變儀是一款面向未來的研發儀器,這要歸功於其廣泛的配件組合。使用 SmartSwapTM 技術,Discovery HR 量具、環境系統和專用配件都可以輕鬆互換和自動識別。DHR 的可用多功能使其成為具有多個使用者、多種樣品需求,且要求多個測試需求快速變換的實驗室的理想儀器。
Discovery 混合流變儀配件
- Connecting Polymer Processing and Product Performance through Rheology & DMA on the New DHR
- Interfacial Rheology: Fundamental Overview and Applications
- Rheo-Microscopy: Bridging Rheology, Microstructure & Dynamics
- Extensional Rheology in Polymer Processing
- An Introduction to Tribo-Rheometry: Quantifying Friction
- Rheological Evaluation of Battery Slurries with Different Graphite Particle Size and Shape
- Powder Rheology of Graphite: Characterization of Natural and Synthetic Graphite for Battery Anode Slurries
- Powder Rheology of Lactose: Impacts of powder morphology on performance of pharmaceutical excipients
- Characterization of UV Curing resins for Photo-Curing 3D Printing
- Application of Rheology of Polymers
- Understanding Rheology of Structured Fluids