Our Products

Innovative, accurate, easy-to-use, and reliable are words that describe a TA Instruments product. Each represents an unparalleled investment because it is designed with the customer in mind, delivers outstanding performance and is backed by superior customer support.

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Thermal Analysis

Our thermal analysis instruments produce the most accurate, reliable, and reproducible data available.

Thermal Analysis Products


TA Instruments has the world’s most versatile platform for rheological measurements.

Rheology Products


TA Instruments microcalorimeter systems provide the ultimate in sensitivity, ruggedness and versatility.

Microcalorimetry Products


The most extensive selection of instruments for dilatometry for the most accurate measurements of dimensional changes regardless of the material to be analyzed.


Thermal Conductivity Meters

Undisputed market leader in the measurement of thermal conductivity, TA Instruments offers a wide selection of models to accurately define a material’s ability to transfer heat regardless of the material, sample size and standard method you need to comply with.

Thermal Conductivity Meters

Flash Diffusivity

Discovery Flash Diffusivity instruments measure thermal diffusivity and specifc heat capacity according to both Light and Laser Flash methods. Our unique source and detector technology makes the Discovery the most accurate and performing platform available on the market

Flash Diffusivity Products

Mechanical Testing

TA ElectroForce test instruments offer industry leading performance for the dynamic characterization and stimulation of a wide range of materials and devices.

TA ElectroForce Instruments

Rubber Testing Instruments

TA Instruments introduces a complete line of new instruments for the measurement of rheological and physical properties of polymers, rubber and rubber compounds at all stages of manufacture.

Rubber Products