Theory and Demonstration for Composites (DMA & Rheology)
Thursday, November 19th at 10:00 am CST
During this morning session, we shall have a virtual demonstration that showcases the DMA 850 system and how one can generate a temperature profile for a material. We shall discuss the applications of DMA for the composites world and very briefly touch upon how a rheometer can be used to monitor curing of a composite. The following topics will be covered:
- DMA:
- Polymer structure (Amorphous, Crystalline, Cross-linked)
- Blending Quality, Sample homogeneity, Filler Effect
- Anisotropic Materials / Oriented Fibers / Layered Materials
- Glass Transition, Softening Point
- Temperature Profile / Frequency Sweep / TTS
- Mechanical Properties (Storage Modulus, Loss Modulus, Tan Delta, Stress– Strain)
- Rheology:
- Pre-pregs / Resins
- Cure reaction, cure rate, cure time
Application of TMA and DSC (including Modulated DSC) for Composites (Thermal Analysis)
Thursday, November 19th at 1:30 pm CST
Application of TMA and DSC (including Modulated DSC) for Composites
- Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)
- Deflection Temp Under Load (DTUL)
- Anisotropic Materials / Oriented Fibers / Layered Materials (TMA)
- Curing kinetics
- Glass transition temperature (Tg)
- Modulated DSC