
How to Ensure Polymer Strength and Durability with Mechanical Testing

Tensile and Fatigue Testing for Longevity and Reliability of Polymer Materials and Components

Polymer strength and durability testing is increasingly important as polymers are incorporated into demanding applications, from airplanes to construction materials. In the race to develop cutting-edge polymer materials and products, designers and engineers need definitive, application-specific characterization to validate material reliability. Leading labs and manufacturers commonly use monotonic and fatigue testing to inform polymer material selection and design, followed by component and product performance assessments.

This eBook will cover polymer monotonic and fatigue testing setup and analysis. You’ll learn how to:

  • Predict polymer fatigue and durability in application conditions
  • Evaluate loss of polymer strength and durability
  • Study how additives and temperature affect fatigue life
  • Facilitate material selection to save time and costs
  • See how today’s leading instrumentation support innovative polymer material selection, fatigue and failure analysis, and validation of polymer strength and durability.
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