Understanding Storage and Loss Modulus with TA Instruments

In the world of material science, understanding the viscoelastic properties of materials is crucial for developing and optimizing products. Two key parameters in this context are storage modulus (E’ or G’) and loss modulus (E” or G”). These parameters provide insights into a material’s stiffness and damping characteristics, respectively, which are essential for applications ranging from polymers and pharmaceuticals to batteries and composites.

What is Thermogravimetric Analysis?

A testament to the march of scientific inquiry, thermogravimetry emerged through the integration of three individual inventions in the 19th and 20th centuries: the electric furnace, the thermocouple, and the microbalance. As a cornerstone of material science, chemistry, and various other industries, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) has since developed in leaps and bounds. Today, TA Instruments are leading the way in TGA, and we welcome you to join us as we explore the workings and applications of this groundbreaking technique.

Composites Industry Blog

Overcoming Composites R&D Challenges with Material Analysis

The composites market is evolving fast. Global market projections indicate a 10.8 % growth by 2028, driven by the demand for composites across industries looking for materials with superior performance at reduced weight and cost. This blog explores how advanced material analysis can enhance R&D and manufacturing processes in the composites market, ultimately leading to financial savings and increased efficiency.

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis – Materials to Final Products

From plastic for medical devices to rubber for tires, the materials we use must meet increasingly high demands. Product manufacturers and consumers expect their materials to look good, perform well, and cost less, all while being environmentally friendly. Fulfilling all these expectations requires deep understanding of material behavior from the molecular level to real world mechanical properties. Since there are many factors that affect the properties of materials, precise measurement tools and methods are required to ensure that materials fulfill the high expectations of our world. A key measurement and analysis method to evaluate the properties of materials at various stages of development and production is Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA).