Linear Viscoelastic Region: Why It’s Crucial in Materials Testing

Our world is brimming with viscoelastic materials: The dough you knead before baking a fresh loaf, the Silly Putty your toddler slaps against the wall, the rubber gaskets that create an airtight seal on an airplane door. Testing those materials by applying controlled deformations (strains) or forces (stresses) at various timescales, temperatures, and/or humidities allows for the optimization of properties and ensures durability and safety.


催化反應無處不在:從塑膠和麵包到全世界90%以上的化學品,無數的商品和材料都是在催化劑的幫助下生產的。 催化劑是加速緩慢化學反應的一種物質。更快的反應在技術和經濟上都更具競爭力。此外,優化後的催化劑在降低能源和資源消耗以及降低二氧化碳排放方面具有巨大潛力。