Powder Rheology

  Description The Powder Rheology Accessory expands the DHR’s capabilities to powders, enabling characterization of behaviors during storage, dispensing, processing and end use.  Product development and process optimization are accelerated with quantitative measurements of dynamic flowability and shear properties of consolidated powder.  Screening new formulations or incoming raw materials detects unexpected behavior to avoid large-scale…

Setting Up the 3 Balls on Plate Geometry on the Discovery HR for Tribo-Rheometry Testing

Overview The three balls on plate tribo-rheometry accessory is designed for measuring the coefficient of friction of soft materials like food or solid surfaces like coatings. As one of the TA Instruments Discovery Hybrid Rheometer tribo-rheometry accessories, this geometry simplifies surface friction measurements on all DHR models. Advanced TRIOS software makes setup and control easy,…

Setting up the Ball on Three Plates Geometry on the Discovery HR for Tribo-Rheometry Testing

Overview Accurately measuring the coefficient of friction has never been easier. The TA Instruments Discovery Hybrid Rheometer offers four different tribo-rheometry accessories. This one, the ball on 3 plates geometry, is designed to measure friction between solid surfaces with low viscosity media between them. Rheometer users in the cosmetics, personal care, food, and electronics industries…

Setting up the Ring on Plate Geometry on the Discovery HR for Tribo-Rheometry Testing

Overview Interested in measuring surface friction? TA Instruments Discovery Hybrid Rheometer offers four different tribo-rheometry accessories. This one, the ring-on-plate geometry, offers a surface to surface contact to measure surface friction. Rheometer users in the cosmetics, personal care, food, and electronics industries commonly use surface friction measurements to optimize their products. Watch this tech tip…

3-D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Process Optimization: A Thermal Approach

  Overview 3-D printing and additive manufacturing are growing segments due to the extreme versatility of the printable materials. The application of such technologies are numerous (rapid prototyping, complex shapes…) and require different materials with different properties. Thermal analysis can be a valuable tool to evaluate the way a material keeps its internal structure during…