The Nano DSC – Biologic Thermostability, Simplified

Learn all about our Nano DSC—the world’s most sensitive, rugged, and easy to use fixed-cell scanning calorimeter. The Nano DSC provides the industry’s most accurate measurement of biomolecular thermostability over the widest temperature range. The Nano DSC differential scanning calorimeter is designed to characterize the molecular stability of dilute in-solution biomolecules. The Nano DSC obtains…

Hyphenation of Thermogravimetric Analyzers with FTIR, MS, and GC-MS Instruments

  Overview Thermogravimetric Analysis, or TGA, is a powerful analytical tool for measuring changes in a sample’s mass as its environmental temperature shifts. When coupled with other instrumental techniques such as mass spectrometers and infrared spectrometers, chemical analysis of the evolved gases is achieved. These hyphenated techniques have a long history in thermal analysis.…