Steady State and Light Flash Methods for Measuring Thermal Diffusivity and Thermal Conductivity

  Overview The ability of a material to store and transfer heat is characterized with the material properties of thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, and specific heat capacity. Understanding these properties is critical when exposing a material to a wide array of temperature environments: large gradients, rapid changes, and maintaining stability, to name a few. Accurate…

Measuring the Influence of Humidity on Material Properties

  Overview The impact of humidity on a material’s properties and performance during processing, storage, and in final form is a growing area of interest for manufacturers across many industries. A few areas of investigation of this impact include material selection and failure analysis of layered materials used with electronic circuit boards, morphological changes in…

Catalysis R&D with High Pressure Thermogravimetry – Instruments and Applications

  Overview Catalytic reactions are of tremendous commercial importance. Over 90% of all chemicals worldwide are manufactured with the aid of solid catalysts. Developing improved catalysts and optimizing the reaction conditions are key for improving commercial and ecological efficiency of catalytic processes. High-pressure thermogravimetric analysis (HP-TGA) allows investigating reactions of a catalyst with the gas…

Medical Device Webinar Series-The Use of Thermal Analysis for the Characterization of Indicative Parameters for Biomaterial Performance Episode 6

The Use of Thermal Analysis for the Characterization of Indicative Parameters for Biomaterial Performance Medical Devices Webinar Series | 6 of 6 An overview of the use of thermal analysis techniques in materials characterization is explored with reference to typical examples of the type, quality, and usefulness of data that can be gathered and the…

Unlock a New Dimension in your Battery Research Through Isothermal Microcalorimetry

  Overview In order to meet growing market demands for power storage, Lithium ion and new battery chemistries demand higher energy density, longer cycle life, calendar life, and better safety to a lower cost. Isothermal microcalorimetry is a highly sensitive, non-destructive and non-specific tool to characterize these critical performance criteria. Learn how this method provides:…

Novel 3D Printed Liquid Crystal Elastomers and the Characterization of their Anisotropy, Rate-Dependency, and Dissipation Properties

Overview Liquid-crystal elastomers (LCEs) uniquely combine molecular ordering with entropic elasticity. The result is a class of anisotropic elastomers with remarkable properties spanning stimuli responsive actuation to exceptional dissipation of mechanical energy. Our group has recently developed a range of photopolymerizable LCE resins and inks which we 3D print using direct ink writing (DIW) and…

Elucidating Thermodynamic Details of Biologic and Small Molecule Drugs using Microcalorimetry

Overview Researchers are working tirelessly to understand the basic chemical details of viral pathogenesis, viral protein structures, and identifying therapeutics to disrupt and prevent disease. There are different modes of therapies evolving that include small-molecule antiviral drugs, mRNA, and protein-based vaccines. Microcalorimetry is one powerful tool for the development and characterization of the mechanism of…