
TA Instruments provides a variety of online training sessions for their customers. This basic online training for ElectroForce mechanical test instruments includes several modules designed to help users:

  • Gain an overview of different mechanical testing techniques.
  • Understand the essential components of the WinTest software.
  • Learn the necessary calibrations to perform.
  • Set up a test method.
  • Collect and analyze data using TRIOS software.

These recorded trainings are structured to ensure users can effectively utilize their ElectroForce mechanical test instruments.

Who should watch?

This training is ideal for any existing customer with an active warranty or support plan who is interested in learning mechanical testing techniques, understanding and using the WinTest software, calibrating their device, executing fatigue and quasi-static methods, and collecting and analyzing data. It is recommended that users have operated the instrument for at least two months after installation and have received basic training from a qualified service engineer before starting these training modules.


This lecture-based course covers both the theoretical and operational aspects applicable to all ElectroForce Instruments, with a primary focus on Load Frames and Test Benches. The course includes the following sections:

  • Fundamentals of Mechanical Characterization: This section introduces various mechanical characterization techniques and general instrumentation.
  • Overview of WinTest Software: This part covers the essential components of the WinTest software and demonstrates test examples of different mechanical test methods.
  • Calibrations: Users will learn about calibrating position, calibrating compliance, and acceleration compensation.
  • Setting up Fatigue and Quasi-Static Tests: This section discusses the different clamping methods available and the considerations necessary for executing successful fatigue and quasi-static tests.
  • Software Operation, Data Acquisition, and Data Analysis: This part shows how to operate the software to conduct various quasi-static and fatigue tests, followed by data analysis using the TRIOS software.


TA Instruments provides a variety of online training sessions for their customers. This basic DMA software training for ElectroForce High Force mechanical test instruments includes several topics designed to help users:

  • Dynamic mechanical analysis fundamentals.
  • Understand the essential components of the WinTest DMA software.
  • Learn the necessary calibrations to perform.
  • Set up a test method.
  • Examples of strain sweep, frequency sweep, temperature ramp, time sweep and time-temperature superposition experiments.

This recorded training is structured to ensure users can effectively utilize their ElectroForce High Force DMA.

Who should watch?

A pre-requisite for this training is that the user has watched part one of Dynamic Mechanical Analysis “Theory & Applications” training by Yash Adhia to get a deeper understanding of DMA principles.

This training is ideal for any existing or new customer with an active warranty or support plan who is interested in learning DMA and using the WinTest DMA software, calibrating their device, executing various DMA test methods. It is recommended that users have operated the instrument for at least two months after installation and have received basic training from a qualified service engineer before starting these training modules.

This lecture-based course covers the operational aspects applicable to all ElectroForce High Force DMA Instruments with WinTest DMA Software version 8 or above.