Improving Li-ion Battery Technology through Advanced Material Analysis
Improving Li-ion Battery Technology through Advanced Material Analysis TA Instruments and Oxford Instruments invite you to join us for an informative session discussing key advancements in battery development technologies. As the number of use-cases for battery products expand rapidly, standards for performance and reliability are becoming more demanding and exacting than ever before. Technologies provided…
DetallesRheology of Coatings and Inks
Rheology of Coatings and Inks Coatings and inks are two of the most common structured fluids that are characterized on rotational rheometers. Rheometers offer experimentalists many opportunities to perform selected tests that can reveal information about the properties of the fluids and allow one to predict the processability of these systems. Of particular interest are…
DetallesMelt Viscosity Measurements at High Temperatures
Overview Maintaining the optimum viscosity of a molten material is key for efficiency and product quality of many industrial processes. Processing of melts at high temperatures is the basis for classical or additive manufacturing of many materials like glasses or metals. Molten slag or ash viscosity is essential for economically operating industrial gasification processes…
DetallesDiscovery SA
Discovery SA – Analizador dinámico de absorción de vapor La más alta productividad, la mayor precisión y el más amplio rango de control de la humedad. Descripción Tecnología Rendimiento Software Especificaciones Aplicaciones Video TA Instruments le invita a experimentar el analizador de absorción dinámica de vapor (DVS) más productivo del mundo, el Discovery SA. Descubra…
DetallesNext Level Native Biomolecular Characterization: Sensitive, Reproducible, Label Free and Immobilization Free
Next Level Native Biomolecular Characterization: Sensitive, Reproducible, Label Free and Immobilization Free Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and differential scanning calorimetery (DSC) are widely accepted techniques for analysis of molecular binding and molecular structure stability. Researchers will gain an in depth understanding of how to deploy these powerful tools into their existing test panels, to ensure…