Designing New Materials for Additive Manufacturing: Vat Photopolymerization

Designing New Materials for Additive Manufacturing: Vat Photopolymerization Overview 3D printing, or additive manufacturing (AM), provides opportunities to create previously unattainable geometric objects through layer-by-layer fabrication. Novel macromolecular structures and synthetic methods coupled with unique printing methods lead to 3D part generation with micron-scale resolution and tunable to emerging technologies. By tuning polymer structure, printing…


Long Term Stability Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies

Long Term Stability Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies Overview Characterization of biopharmaceuticals during all development phases is critical to the candidate selection process and the ongoing production of the active material. Some recent efforts to achieve patient self-administration has required high API concentrations (100-300 mg/mL). Development concerns for the high concentration formulations are denaturation, aggregation and…


Multi – Specimen Fatigue ElectroForce 3300 from TA Instruments

Now available from TA Instruments is the best in multi-specimen fatigue testing in stent materials and more is the ElectroForce Series Multi-Specimen Fatigue system for the 3300 and 3200 load test frame systems. Both systems include the enhanced measurement capability of the TA ElectroForce High Accuracy Displacement Sensor. This enables an even wider range of…


DLF 2800

<< Alle Flash Diffusivity-Analysatoren anzeigen DLF 2800 Das leistungsstärkste System für genauste thermische Diffusionsmessungen bei bis zu 2800 °C. Beschreibung Merkmale Technische Daten Technologie Leistung Software Der Discovery Laser Flash DLF 2800 ist ein fortschrittliches, freistehendes Messgerät für die Messung von thermischem Diffusionsvermögen und spezifischer Wärmekapazität von Materialien bei Raumtemperatur bis hin zu Temperaturen von 2800 °C. Das außergewöhnliche Design…
